One of the class's longest projects, artist film, which I originally chose to watch a documentary about Andy Warhol, I had to change my plan for some reasons. Well, the length of Warhol documentary is quite long about 4hr, it wasn't really matter though, I honestly felt little depressed while I was watching that film. Even though, it is just a film, my weakness appeared again, I can not watch depressive films.
For that, I was looking for a new film to watch and since the review from my classmates was great about Frida, I decided to watch it.
Frist my impression, I can not just express with those words 'good, awesome, great, etc'
this film is the one that I've been looking for, that is real touchable, emotional, understandable..
I would love to say she is an artist that we need to learn from, not only because of her artistic skills, but also her way of thinking, the attitude towards life, the confidence as a woman, also the modesty as an artist.
In her life, there are numbers of horrible situations that nornally people would give up on everything, but everytime, when she gets bad things, she wakes up again and become stronger. She was a person who never blamed on anyone else, and never cried out in front of people.
The fact that I respect most about Frida is she never stopped drawing no matter what happened in her life.
When she got an accident so she could not even move half of her body, when she lost her baby, when her relationship went bad. She expressed all her emotions on her paintings.
Most of her works, we can see her portraits, the film explains well enough to understand what the reason is.
First time, she had to draw pictures without moving on the bed while she's laying down. She could see herself through the mirror on the ceiling that was the start, then when she got several reasonable pains afterwards, she expressed her emotions on the pictures, on that progress she could put herself into the picture. I'm guessing, that's why the reason people can feel her feelings through her pictures.
At the very last part of the film, when Frida became very famous as a painter, she got an exhibition and her body got the worst condition that she could not move again. Nevertheless, she came to the exhibition laying her body on her bed, the scene just made me cry. The passion and mental strangh, I'm wondering what can be more beautiful than that. The film Frida, I totally recommend to everyone, it is a real worthwhile film.
Yes, a powerful woman- too bad there aren't more like her! When I first learned about her, Iread her biography. It touche dme so much that I just stayed in bed a whole day and finished the book. Then the film came out. I have been a Frida Kahlo fan ever since, and I respect her narrative work immensely.