Sunday, September 26, 2010

Jackson Pollock

The Abstrack Expressionist.

Paul Jackson Pollock (January 28, 1912 – August 11, 1956)

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Hidden Card - HoB

House OF Blues.
I and all of lucky art appreciation classmates had really great chance to visit HOB last wednesday.
Just like our teacher never tells us where we are going, I had no idea where we were going at that day.
But, since she has not disappointed us yet, I believed and just stepped into the wonderful world.
Beginning with my frst impression of the place:House of Blues, it just impressed me so much with the fact that how many original folk art pieces they could have. I couldn't believe that one public friendly place has that many art pieces in. From very old asian art(mostly buddas), recycle art, animation, mud color, sculptures, etc. There were variety of art works from all around world from numerous artists that I can not even remember all of those names. The biggest attraction of the place to me was the VIP room, unfortunately, it is only for VIPs.
However, I have to tell how great the room was. The budda sculptures, the antique wooden shelves, the foot stool which made of animal skin, and the vintage walls that made of handmade textiles.I would call the room as a gorgeous art work. It was all about the concept of the place. A lot of times, people visit art museums to have look on arts, however, it sometime makes people bored. This place HOB would never make people to be tired to look at the different levels of art works. Each floors made me anxious about what would happen the next. Some people said it is kind of crippy, I, however, though it was excited to be blended in that mood, the darkness, clamminess, spiritualness. I guess it would not be very easy to get into the VIP room again, still, I would love to visit HOB soon again.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Chicago Architectural Tour

Last wednesday, beautiful shiny day our ART103 class went out for a little trip. First of all, it was AWESOME. It refreshed my mind as well as my brain(It functions now.. :-) I've been believing in this saying "once you see in real is better than looking at book hundred times." It really does. It doesn't matter how much you admire architecturing, how much you desire to be an architect, the information doesn't stay in my head when I read book. But, when I saw them in real through my sight, it absolutely setteled down in me. what really impressed me was the concept, how well they get along, I mean the different designes of buildings, coloring, reflection of the river, and the lines. everything was so beautiful. Although they looked like fighting with each other on the runway alike jealousy models, they were so greatful. It's the elegance from the passed time, and the new generation's respect. I would express as one word "harmony" It's such a beautiful harmony in different generations and the nature. So does, it gives pleased rest to us human.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Carry Bradshaw's Closet.

If I have to pick one Architectural experience that affected me ALOT, it should be the apartment in the movie "Sex and the City" it also is a room that filmed lots of scences. As many times as noticed this room during the movies more than the actual story, since sometime, I could find myself looking up this rooms pictures on the computer monitor to see more details. The part that I like the most was this closet (picture above) It could be a usual outline of manhatten's classic apt, It is so clever to put this opening shape of closet through the bathroom. I loved it so much and this influenced me a lot when I was looking for my apt, Which I am here now. The most beautiful attraction in apt is the view that I see from the bathroom through the closet and the living area.


Last wednesday, Art103 class had a mini field trip to the chicago cultural center, and their was a surprising exhibition of Reverend Howard Finster. Lots of his work was hanging in one of the suites. The first thing that surprised me was that fact he used lots of words in this picture. Here I am in a tool box again, nevertheless, that was the first rule that I had learned from my art class back in my elementary school. As my goal in the U.S. is being aware of anything that can happen and reflect in my art work. means, being more creative.
secondable, the way he expressed on his work, doesn't seem so professioanl but that also can be a new skill.
There is nothing that can masure it is an art or not. that is what I learn from the previous class. Among lots of his lovely works, there were couple of them that really tempted me - Emage of Elvis at Three years old,1981 - Earth, Heaven and Hell(Portrait of Thomas and Tommy Scorlin) the pictue above is the first temptation.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


              by Goeun Kim

              Pencil drawing

              made in 2008

Monday, September 6, 2010

what is art?

Making money is art and working is art and good business is the best art.

-Andy Warhol