Wednesday, December 1, 2010

de Paul univ museum

School of the Future

Employee Interview

Joseph - Film major student

Q.What's the majority of visitors in de Paul Univ Museum?
A. The majority of our visitors are de Paul Univ students on their way to library or capus tour, or just killing time!

Q.What is the greatest strength of this museum?
A. It is kind of hard to explain, it's made by group of Chicago artists. It is an abnormal studio or gallery, not passive art gallery. Our studio has a functioning stage, we've had two concerts so far. And it is mostly for independent music bands, it could be used as recording studio as well. And the speciality of this spacs is that for Chicago zoneing issue of formal space we had to totally renovate the studio, it is new space. However, unfortunately this unique place will not be last from next week.
(They are building a new museum of de Paul Univ.)

Q. Are those art works temporary?
A. Yes. they are changed every nine weeks as different art works.

  • MPS 571 Metropolitan Planning (DePaul Univ.) 
    Analyzes issues, decision-making processes, and resources that affect planning across a metropolitan area, including urban-suburban relations and the complexities of zoning and community development.

Recording Studio in the Gallery

Always on Headsets beside the stage

Sadly, Depaul Univertisy Museum is pretty invisible even though it is a block away from the train station(Fullerton station) in a very beautiful neighborhood.  The Museum was seperated in two rooms (although they are no longer available over there, they have been moved to new space). One room was decorated with classical art pieces that are basically presenting Vincent dePaul's art works and the architectural history of DePaul University. I liked it more than the other room personally as I'm studying architecture :-) I could see really great hand drawings and paintings of Vincent dePaul and the explainations of himself and the his works through public's view. Vincent dePaul was the one who hit off the classical tradition of architecture. Although he studied classical architecture, but his ideas were radically advanced in Italy, 1822-1824
Later on, he wondered of Rome where he worked as an architect as well as a teather. The ancient bldg were brilliant encaustic on wax-based painting.
However, Vincent dePaul, as to leave no white marble ex-posed was shocking to his peers. Among his three books, one was about Basilica of Saint Vincent de-Paul which reveals imaginations more than mind sleeped archeology,
it also offers a pathway of thinking on the sacred and the architect's responsibility to glorify the living. Most mature vision of his religious view.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Cindie Shermen

When she moved to New york city, she wanted to be a model. One day, on broadway street, she got an offer to be a model. The first photo that she had to take was vikini shot, it was quite shock to a naive lady who's originally from country, where those pictures are not many in public. But, she knew that it is really hard to get a job as a model, wheather it is safe thing to do or not, she tried. when she laied down on the set, she felt guit by doing something not proper. It was the moment she'd walk away from the place and give up her career opportunity as a model.


Season 1/2001


Richard Serra (Sculptor)

Jumping off imagination, it's sometime huge, empty, full of posibilities.
Falling in love with places is same as we do with people.
How we move through space is the scale, prospection, etc.

Season 2/2003


Eleanor Antin(performance artist, film maker, illustration artist)

Major passion is narative funny side of things; humorous things.
100 boots placing all around everywhere and making series is relation to human nature.

Season 3/2005


Matthew Ritchie (installator of painting, sculpture, light boxes, all drawings, and investigating projects)

Modern art is a gift as it is advance, or at least question about what's going on. Drawing could be blown up, taken a part, redrew, shrink back down, three-dimentioanl, flat, etc.. drawing is just pushing and pushing.
Drawing is a shared integory, infinite resolution. Somtime, the sizes are might different, but it is exactly the same thing indeed. Part of the work is letting people in. Letting people think about  "what can one person know?" The strength of interested in things, listening to everything little loudly. The artist is interested in sustaining drawing such as how context of information defines everything?

Season 4/2007


Pierre Huyghe

Creating world takes long time, it is playing with culture, circulation of story which is less fluid, or more fluid.
If door's moving, there is no inside or outside anymore.
Different ways to take shadows in silence.
space's transforming to clime. It's less narrative but more emotional. Simple narrative, but emotional experimenting. Also, homor is very important to break critical view.
to set up -
to produce -
to document -
= the reality. Exhibition is not the last step of work, it is a starting process to go somewhere else.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Art Institute of Chicago

One of the good reasons to take ART103 course is that you get chances to go to art museum once awhile.
Especially, I really appreciate the fact; because, sometime it's hard to catch everything what's going on in this modern society, in other words, busy life. When I have really busy life, planning to go to an art museum can sound too fancy, but through class, I get great excuse as "part of class" anyway, it was another great experience.
There were so many different exhibitions going on, it was even hard to look at everything in one day I believe. Particularly, the new part of AIC was impressive, I liked the sensual architectural design a lot. The little cafeteria between galleries was plus point, since AIC is not a small museum, audience must get tired of looking at the variety of works, in the mean time, if people could take a breath at the cafeteria, that little cafeteria roles very thoughtfully.
Another point, I did not expect to see the great great artists' works at that time, one of chicago's museums, what could be very special? just comfortable feeling, but when I walked in there were the great Monet, Gogh, Picasso, Mendrian, etc. If I was someone who could judge the museum, it was excellent qualitiwise.
I warmed up myself from the legendary artists' works, with all my meditated feeling, I went into the back room on the second floor, there was, the sculptures, I guess I enjoyed them the most at AIC that day.


The pictures give me second feeling unlike the impression that I got at the museum, familiar now, and warmer. Some of sculptures got me confused as well, in the last picture, the title of the sculpture is "Two penguins" hmm... IF I could have chance to make a title for this art work, I would call it "Two Loving Thumbs" because, it seems like a lovely couple's thumbs are crossed over on each others. Well, still I can't tell "it's totally wrong" because there can always be hidden special meanings that artist had when he/she was making it. It just doesn't deliver the purpose or meaning directly.  And the second photo above, that is the one touched my emotion the most, It seems like a little pure child's figure. The facial expression, and the movement of little shoulders tell me that he's little tired. What a cute sculpture! just made me feel like we have to take care of children whenever they need help! :-)
At that day, I did not have time to look around all the art works(because of my next class), but I would like to go back soon! Thumb's up !!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Last class project was ISMs!
I was chosen for DADA which is the topic that I have been interested in. Once I got the topic dadaism, I ran into Borders to search for resources that would help me to understand better about dada.
So I've purchased a beautiful book which name as DADAISM by the auther Dietmar Elger. This book is reallly interesting because it tell me about the dada in different time periods and varied explanations according to the variety of dadaists. One of the dadaist who got my interest the most in the book was the artist John Heartfield in 19th century. Whom worked in the work process called 'Photomontage', so that, I would like to talk about what photomontage is briefly as well as the easy definition of dadaism.
Dadaism was not exclusively an artistic, literacy, musical, political, or philosophical movement. In deed, it was all of these, and at the same time the opposite: anti-artistic, provocating literacy, playfully musical, radically political, but anti-parliamentary, and sometimes simply childish. So that, many of dadaists are double talented; accordingly, they are inventive and artistic, visually techniqued, performed in. Basically, unlike all other terms of art in decades, dadaists wanted to express directly, and the works that they produced mean what they show.
Therefore, one of the most demonstrated techniques in dada, the photomontage is not only according the work itself a great importance by replacing the paints, pictures, but also redifined the artistic work process.
p.s. dada is something that artists who are in certain classic tool should learn include myself ! :-)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Frida Kahlo

One of the class's longest projects, artist film, which I originally chose to watch a documentary about Andy Warhol, I had to change my plan for some reasons. Well, the length of Warhol documentary is quite long about 4hr, it wasn't really matter though, I honestly felt little depressed while I was watching that film. Even though, it is just a film, my weakness appeared again, I can  not watch depressive films.
For that, I was looking for a new film to watch and since the review from my classmates was great about Frida, I decided to watch it.

Frist my impression, I can not just express with those words 'good, awesome, great, etc' 
this film is the one that I've been looking for, that is real touchable, emotional, understandable..

I would love to say she is an artist that we need to learn from, not only because of her artistic skills, but also her way of thinking, the attitude towards life, the confidence as a woman, also the modesty as an artist.
In her life, there are numbers of horrible situations that nornally people would give up on everything, but everytime, when she gets bad things, she wakes up again and become stronger. She was a person who never blamed on anyone else, and never cried out in front of people. 
The fact that I respect most about Frida is she never stopped drawing no matter what happened in her life.
When she got an accident so she could not even move half of her body, when she lost her baby, when her relationship went bad. She expressed all her emotions on her paintings.
Most of her works, we can see her portraits, the film explains well enough to understand what the reason is.
First time, she had to draw pictures without moving on the bed while she's laying down. She could see herself through the mirror on the ceiling that was the start, then when she got several reasonable pains afterwards, she expressed her emotions on the pictures, on that progress she could put herself into the picture. I'm guessing, that's why the reason people can feel her feelings through her pictures.

At the very last part of the film, when Frida became very famous as a painter, she got an exhibition and her body got the worst condition that she could not move again. Nevertheless, she came to the exhibition laying her body on her bed, the scene just made me cry. The passion and mental strangh, I'm wondering what can be more beautiful than that. The film Frida, I totally recommend to everyone, it is a real worthwhile film. 

Monday, October 25, 2010

Art-making Activity


Used wire, recycled boxes, glue cap, paper tapes, wooden stools, smile sticker

Since I've visited Alexander Calde's exhibition at MAC, the project that I got from the fieldtrip; Art making activity with one chosen object + 4 other objects.
I've chose the wooden stools and I thought of wheels. I tried to create a car, but I had problem of lacking wheels. So I used glue caps only because it was the similar size with the stools. and I used little wire to make an antena and used the extra mini stool to make a spare wheel. The purpose of smiling face is because it is still happy eventhough it is made out of recycled meterials. 


Jason Middlebrook

Der Diagnostische Blick V, 1992
Oil on Canvas

'The title of a German phsicians' guide that feature images of
physical manifestation of various diseases and aliments, and
allows doctors to better recognize those symptoms in their patients.

It was my second visit to the Museum of Comtemporary Art, the first time was last year during the very cold winter time, and this time with my dear art appreciation class. There were various projects going on that day, first floor which we focused mostly, one room, there was Alexander Calder's exhibition and the other room, many different comtemporary artists' exhibition. Calder's work was basically showing us variety of creative mobile works. Among all, I could see shapes of animal, insect, fish, etc. The point that I got from his work was that this artist is very attracted by the motional fact of mobile. When I think about mobile, the first thing that I can think is the line works. Several lines are connected to shapes stably. Also Cader's work showed me the composition of whole figure and the spacing. And expressing living things as mobile which has motional effect, it was much better to show audience about the  characteristics. On the other hand, in the second room which I liked better, for I like something various. I could see several artists' different style of art works, but the one that I liked the most was the works from Jason Middlebrook.
"How much thought and consideration goes into our devision"
Above those two pictures shows his speciality very well. He used natural wood's shape, pattern, and variety of colors on this art works. When I used to draw a lot, I drew a lot of natural stuff, like tree, bird, various kinds of plant, and the sky. His work, reminded me the works that I did years ago.
 Yet, unlike I used pastel colors, Jason used acrylic colors to express the natural beauty and it shows very strong clear shapes and the tangibleness.

On the forth floor, I could find the European artist Luc Tuymans exhibition. Like the photo above, his works has very light pastel tone colors which makes me feel like looking at old films. His color works are very light, so I was thinking it must be water colors, but it was acrylic. Even though, he used this shallow tones, it express enough amount of shades, the weight of masses.

As the MCA is at very convenient location, we should visit more often to help our life better.
Since the architectural design of MCA is so estetic to be in raining day, we should look through the window on a raining day.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Composing myself.


9x12 traditional panel
acrylc color

Sometimes, I go to the art supply store 'Blick'. Nowadays my biggest interest at the place is the varied sort of canvases. I've purchased a few little portable canvases, but my laziness put them away for awhile.
This afternoon, somehow, I felt complicated, anxious.. needed to compose myself. started drawing after a long while. well - there is a cute man. wanted to share with the artists!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Chicago Artists' month

Monument with Standing Beast
- Jean DuBuffet

Picasso's Chicago
- Pablo Picasso

Four Seasons
- Marc Chagall

Crown Fountain
- Jaume Plensa

Cloud Gate
- Anish Kapoor

"How many great public art works in Chicago Loop?"

My first self-audio tour was pretty cool. I would say it was a new experience for myself, because I am kind of person who really ignores what the experts or gallerians explain about art works. Everytime when I go to exhibitions, museums, art galleries there are always someone who try to teach(?) us. But, my point of view, "How do you know?" this question occurs in my brain all the time. What I mean by this, our great artists are mostly dead, at least those who have pictures in great great museums. Although the historians, and all kinds of experts studied every day and night about the art, how do we or they know that is true or not unless we talk to the real artist? There is no clue that what they explain is right or not. My introduction got pretty long, for I wanted to say why it was different experience for me. The self-audio tour which gave me some (correct amount of ) information while I was exploring the works. I didn't have to only concentrate on what it was saying, but I could get help to understand in what process the work had made. For example, the Four Seasons by Chagall, I could have just seen and passed by, the audio tour, instead, made me to think of the process. Such as the meterials, the skill; mosaic, the year it had made; 1974, what the work try to express or tell; Chicago River in four different seasons, and how Chicagoan's are taking care of the work in improved environment.
This such a brief information contains only the important part of the information which helps you understand better. Especially, what I liked the most was that the audio didn't try to explain what the artist was thinking or the emotions that the artist had at that moments. If the audio had said this, I would be dissapointed again, but it was very useful. Among five different art works, I  would love to recommend the one called Picasso's Chicago by Pablo Picasso and of course with the audio listening. I've passed the art work very many times, neverthless I have never thought that It is a woman. The audio listening gave me a new look on that Picasso. After I listened the audio information, I could see that the sculpture is a woman. But, there is a very important tip that we should see the art work first and listen the audio and see the art work again. When we know the information first, our creativity or imagination can be shut. By seeing different times, it made me think in different ways and see the art work in different views. The side, front, back, down each point has different views and it made me more think about a woman's portrait. Unlike other works that I saw from the tour, Picasso's work has varied point of views in different angles. Basically, the tour made me appreciate of being in this great chicago environment and impressed by how the works exist in the loop invisibly. From now on, I should stop being lazy to recognize and explore the goodies in Chicago, and get all the benefits as much as I could! In some point, it even refreshes mind!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Jackson Pollock

The Abstrack Expressionist.

Paul Jackson Pollock (January 28, 1912 – August 11, 1956)

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Hidden Card - HoB

House OF Blues.
I and all of lucky art appreciation classmates had really great chance to visit HOB last wednesday.
Just like our teacher never tells us where we are going, I had no idea where we were going at that day.
But, since she has not disappointed us yet, I believed and just stepped into the wonderful world.
Beginning with my frst impression of the place:House of Blues, it just impressed me so much with the fact that how many original folk art pieces they could have. I couldn't believe that one public friendly place has that many art pieces in. From very old asian art(mostly buddas), recycle art, animation, mud color, sculptures, etc. There were variety of art works from all around world from numerous artists that I can not even remember all of those names. The biggest attraction of the place to me was the VIP room, unfortunately, it is only for VIPs.
However, I have to tell how great the room was. The budda sculptures, the antique wooden shelves, the foot stool which made of animal skin, and the vintage walls that made of handmade textiles.I would call the room as a gorgeous art work. It was all about the concept of the place. A lot of times, people visit art museums to have look on arts, however, it sometime makes people bored. This place HOB would never make people to be tired to look at the different levels of art works. Each floors made me anxious about what would happen the next. Some people said it is kind of crippy, I, however, though it was excited to be blended in that mood, the darkness, clamminess, spiritualness. I guess it would not be very easy to get into the VIP room again, still, I would love to visit HOB soon again.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Chicago Architectural Tour

Last wednesday, beautiful shiny day our ART103 class went out for a little trip. First of all, it was AWESOME. It refreshed my mind as well as my brain(It functions now.. :-) I've been believing in this saying "once you see in real is better than looking at book hundred times." It really does. It doesn't matter how much you admire architecturing, how much you desire to be an architect, the information doesn't stay in my head when I read book. But, when I saw them in real through my sight, it absolutely setteled down in me. what really impressed me was the concept, how well they get along, I mean the different designes of buildings, coloring, reflection of the river, and the lines. everything was so beautiful. Although they looked like fighting with each other on the runway alike jealousy models, they were so greatful. It's the elegance from the passed time, and the new generation's respect. I would express as one word "harmony" It's such a beautiful harmony in different generations and the nature. So does, it gives pleased rest to us human.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Carry Bradshaw's Closet.

If I have to pick one Architectural experience that affected me ALOT, it should be the apartment in the movie "Sex and the City" it also is a room that filmed lots of scences. As many times as noticed this room during the movies more than the actual story, since sometime, I could find myself looking up this rooms pictures on the computer monitor to see more details. The part that I like the most was this closet (picture above) It could be a usual outline of manhatten's classic apt, It is so clever to put this opening shape of closet through the bathroom. I loved it so much and this influenced me a lot when I was looking for my apt, Which I am here now. The most beautiful attraction in apt is the view that I see from the bathroom through the closet and the living area.